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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Let's know some interesting facts related to Facebook

1)One of 10 people in this world is a Facebook user.

2)Facebook is available in 70 languages ​​of the world.

3)In the early stages of the creation of Facebook, engineers wanted the Like Button to be known as Osm buttons.

4)Do you know that 83 percent of prostitutes have their own Facebook page in the world?

5)There are about six lakh attempts every day to hack Facebook all over the world.

6)Even when you sign out, Facebook keeps track of your visited sites.

7)You can not block its CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who started Facebook on February 4, 2004 with his four companions, on his Facebook page.

8)So far, the meaning of word pok is unclear.

9)About 350 million screens are uploaded every day on Facebook.

10)The number of mobile users of Facebook is 755 million.

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